Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Is it just me, or did Google+ just subsume People even more in its new interface?

Is it just me, or did Google+ just subsume People even more in its new interface? (And boy howdy, that is some serious red across the top now...)

Gideon Rosenblatt Denis Labelle David Amerland Liz Stevenson Bob Calder Laura Gibbs Eileen O'Duffy Craig Froehle Roz Hussin

#Faculty rallies across the entire #CalState system happened on Tuesday, November 17.

#Faculty  rallies across the entire #CalState  system happened on Tuesday, November 17. Here's a local news story about the #Monterey  Bay campus.

(Sorry about any "false alarm" posts, people. Coulda been me, coulda been G+, but I think it was me...)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Gideons were all over our campus over the past few days.

The Gideons were all over our campus over the past few days. They were just handing out the kinder, gentler, New Testament, though. I never thought to ask them why just the NT... Not "bait and switch" I hope...

Originally shared by Armando Lioss

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Can California higher ed help?

Can California higher ed help? (I hope so.) Will the Chancellors of  #CSU   #CalState  and the California Community Colleges be there at this UC-hosted event? (Ditto.)

Recommended: Read the convo emerging at the Gideon Rosenblatt post of this article, at:


Thursday, October 1, 2015



"It's time for management to wake up and realize that they can't keep acting like corporate CEO's," said Kevin Wehr, a Sacramento State sociology professor who is chairman of the bargaining team.

Somebody is sending a different message to management. Who?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Letter from Berkeley's Chancellor & Vice Chancellor

Letter from Berkeley's Chancellor & Vice Chancellor

The initiative — a comprehensive effort to address the underrepresentation and campus climate for African American...

The initiative — a comprehensive effort to address the underrepresentation and campus climate for African American students, faculty and staff — includes plans for a $20 million endowed scholarship fund, as well as a number of steps aimed at boosting recruitment and yield for black undergrads, and at improving the campus’s social, personal and academic support to current and future African American students.