Thursday, November 17, 2016

Re-sharing this post-election resource page from my campus (Cal State Monterey Bay).because new items have been...

Re-sharing this post-election resource page from my campus (Cal State Monterey Bay).because new items have been added. Happy scrolling & clicking!

#Election2016   #highered   #CalState

Sent to the whole of the Cal State (CSU) system today

Sent to the whole of the Cal State (CSU) system today
(Will provide web link when I see it)
#Election2016   #immigration   #highered  

Open Letter to the Faculty, Staff and Students of the California State University
Chancellor Timothy P. White
November 17, 2016
I write to provide assurance that we will continue to make every effort to provide a safe and welcoming campus environment for all our students, faculty, staff, alumni and members of the community.

Diversity and inclusivity – in all its forms – are core values of the California State University. These values drive our efforts each day to ensure that the 23 campuses are welcoming environments, and they enable our students, faculty and staff to be confident and secure in the pursuit of their education; research, scholarship and creative activities; engagement with community; and performance of campus work.

I spoke to these matters during my report (attached below) to the CSU Board of Trustees on November 16. My comments acknowledged the voices of students, faculty and staff that courageously addressed our board. Their passion and anxiety are understandable, and it pains me – personally and as chancellor – to see any member of the CSU family suffer because they do not know what the immediate future may hold for them and their families.

Indeed, my immediate concern is for our students and other members of our campus community who lack documentation and fear actions based on the emerging national narrative of potential changes in immigration policy and related enforcement action. This concern is shared broadly among trustees, presidents and vice chancellors, along with senate, student and labor leadership among others.

We are a university that prides itself on inclusion. Anything that diminishes one member of our community diminishes us all.

We must take thoughtful, prudent actions to acknowledge and address the fears and concerns of our students, faculty and staff that are real and debilitating. This includes maintaining focus on our positions in federal policy and funding, particularly those that affect student support and financial aid.

Understandably, there is some interest to declare campuses as oases or sanctuaries – as places that serve as a refuge to completely protect its community. While I understand and deeply respect the sentiment behind this interest, we, as a public university cannot make that promise unilaterally. The term “sanctuary” has several interpretations and is in many contexts ambiguous. If we were to use this term it would be misleading to the very people we support and serve.

Consequently, to address immigration matters, we intentionally adopted a flexible systemwide set of policy guidelines grounded in our value-based principles. This approach provides each campus with the opportunity to implement a policy reflecting its unique campus climate, while assuring conformity in certain key systemwide principles. Our policy is both clear and substantive, and removes the CSU from the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

CSU policy directs, unless contravened by California Government Code or required by law, that:

· The CSU will not enter into agreements with state or local law enforcement agencies, Homeland Security or any other federal department for the enforcement of federal immigration law;

· Our university police departments will not honor immigration hold requests; and

· Our university police do not contact, detain, question or arrest individuals solely on the basis of being – or suspected of being – a person that lacks documentation.

We are also partnering with elected officials at the state and national level to inform and work to prevent negative developments regarding immigration for our undocumented students, including those with DACA status.

I thank you for reflecting upon this open letter and discussing it with others. I look forward to our journey ahead that enables us to fulfill the educational and public mission of the California State University in a safe and welcoming environment.


Timothy P. White


Monday, November 14, 2016

Here's the Cal State Monterey Bay post-election statement, which was e-mailed to the entire campus the morning of...

Here's the Cal State Monterey Bay post-election statement, which was e-mailed to the entire campus the morning of November 11. (It was later posted on the CSUMB web site.)

Laura Gibbs FYI for comparison with your campus president's statement. We have an official campus-wide forum this coming Thursday afternoon, Nov. 17, for students, staff, and faculty. It will be preceded by a faculty union (CFA) forum. Not sure what to expect, beyond concerns of current students (or just as likely, their families) who may be affected by changes in immigration policy in January. Well, there will be something emerging from the faculty side, I'm sure.

Liz Stevenson Phil Hill Michael Berman Michelle Pacansky-Brock Jill Leafstedt (please share with others in CA whether or not CSU)


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cal State (CSU) Board of Trustees is not boasting about this, but they'll be talking #tuition at their Nov.

Cal State (CSU) Board of Trustees is not boasting about this, but they'll be talking #tuition at their Nov. 15–16 meeting.

EDITED TO ADD: Cal Poly is featured prominently in the linked article.

Talking about #fees should put students in the right frame of mind, don't you think?

h/t Laura Gibbs

#highered #collegecosts

Originally shared by Laura Gibbs

My guess is that this is NOT how the University of Oklahoma would like to be reported about in New York Times. I've complained often about this "academic excellence fee" before, so I am really glad to see it being singled out here. All the details are here: $75/credit-hour to support faculty recruitment and research. Yes, that's right. It is the GORILLA in the room, bigger than any other fee. For 120 credits (minimum for graduation), that's $9000.
fee levels:
fee descriptions:
Academic Excellence Fee This fee supports the costs to recruit and retain excellent faculty, plus their scientific and academic research including laboratories, classroom renovations, equipment, publishing costs and research assistants.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

California State University has a new graduation initiative.

California State University has a new graduation initiative.

Laura Gibbs Phil Hill Bryan Alexander 
As discussed elsewhere, some of the info is public (you'll see a "Campus and System Plans and Goals" link on the right) but the real, manipulable data, with visualizations, requires a campus login. We're checking on that, since it's all (to our knowledge) public info.

#calstate   #graduationrates   #highered

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Add this to the previous study on students & homelessness in California public higher ed, and you may have a few...

Add this to the previous study on students & homelessness in California public higher ed, and you may have a few global questions for system presidents and chancellors... Here's one link about the homelessness aspect:

Thanks Bryan Alexander 
Cc Vanessa Vaile 

#highered   #california   #UC   #wages  

Originally shared by Bryan Alexander

"Seven in 10 University of California workers in clerical, administrative and support services struggle to put adequate food on the table, according to a new Occidental College study.

The study, released Monday, found that 45% of 2,890 employees surveyed throughout the 10-campus UC system went hungry at times. An additional 25% had to reduce the quality of their diet."

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016

Not the best use of our tax dollars.

Not the best use of our tax dollars.

Originally shared by Liz Stevenson

#GPPOTD  today is local news for me. A good read!

I cannot believe the resources that have gone into this woman staying on the job. Evil.

Monday, July 4, 2016

If you're going to argue for or against #FreeCollege in the #Election2016 season, you may want to be up on...

If you're going to argue for or against #FreeCollege  in the #Election2016  season, you may want to be up on the #history of it. This is a nice summary through the California lens.

Phil Hill Laura Gibbs Bryan Alexander Audrey Watters Robin DeRosa Liz Stevenson 
  #highered   #tuition   #UC

Monday, June 27, 2016

Truly an #elemess at #UCDavis

Truly an #elemess  at #UCDavis  

Cc Laura Gibbs Mathieu Plourde 

Originally shared by Phil Hill

LMS Outage: Exclusive view of UC Davis contract with Scriba -e-Literate

What we didn’t know at the time was whether UC Davis staff had planned for such a contingency and had reasonable controls in place. Thanks to the media relations and IT teams at UC Davis, we at e-Literate now have the contract with Scriba to help answer these questions. I have also talked to Ian Dolphin, executive direct at the Apereo Foundation that runs the Sakai project, and Michael Sanders, CEO of Scriba, to gather and verify the data in this post.

In a nutshell, this was a screwup of colossal proportions by Scriba and Scriba alone. Furthermore, Scriba is no longer a Sakai Commercial Affiliate.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

What problem will this solve?

What problem will this solve?

What are the intended consequences and potential unintended consequences?

Bryan Alexander Phil Hill Liz Stevenson  No issues jumped to mind. I just thought I'd start there for a change. Oops, just thought of something. I'll be back later in the comments.

#highered   #transfer   #HBCU

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Remembrances of a bygone era in #California #highered , quite affordable college indeed.

Remembrances of a bygone era in #California   #highered , quite affordable college indeed.

Main link puts it in context of the 2016 election campaign and Bernie Sanders.

Here are the letters to the editor a few days later, reacting to the notion:

The first grads of this 3-year #CSUMB & #Hartnell College joint computer-science program are walking next...

The first grads of this 3-year #CSUMB  & #Hartnell College joint computer-science program are walking next Saturday!

Don't be thrown off by the co-director using the G-word. (He said it, and the NPR headline editor used it.) Overall, great news, and obviously the program is off to a good start.

Here's the story I shared a couple of years ago in the first year of the program:

Phil Hill Donna Murdoch You noted the original post at the time, so I'm just letting you know we have some grads coming out the other end.

Bryan Alexander Liz Stevenson 

#computerscience   #communitycollege   #diversity

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The CCC Online Education Initiative (OEI) is discussed this week at Phil Hill's post on e-Literate.

The CCC Online Education Initiative (OEI) is discussed this week at Phil Hill's post on e-Literate.

"Ooh.. a sparkly!"
—from The Secret of NIMH

Originally shared by Liz Stevenson

Phil Hill just came up in a work email. I feel like a sparkly neural connection just came into being.

#CMS   #LMS   #potayto   #potahto

Monday, May 2, 2016

While digging around on that other matter, Bryan Alexander & A.

While digging around on that other matter, Bryan Alexander & A. Michael Berman, I found this about free speech in the #CalState  system.

#activism   #students   #SQE

Friday, April 29, 2016

The local (KION/KCBW) cameras were on the #CSUMB campus all afternoon yesterday, and our officials were on the...

The local (KION/KCBW) cameras were on the #CSUMB  campus all afternoon yesterday, and our officials were on the 5pm/6pm news talking about important stuff. Fine, but some of us actually had to teach classes during showtime. Where's the video?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Toward end of each semester, students are buying each other food.

Toward end of each semester, students are buying each other food. Some individual meal plans have run dry, others still have plenty on them... At least that's how it works around here...

h/t Darwin Hawke 

#studentsuccess   #collegelife  

Originally shared by Victor H

Like a Boss...

#UCDavis finally...

#UCDavis  finally...

Originally shared by Phil Hill

Napolitano: "I know it was you, Katehi. You broke my heart. You broke my heart! Time for fishing."

Thursday, April 14, 2016

#Campus #newspapers

#Campus   #newspapers  

FYI, Laura Gibbs, our student paper has come a long way over the past couple of years. Our local free weekly is pretty much the "paper of record" for our area, now that our dailies have been bought out a couple of times and reduced to within an inch of their lives. So when the Weekly says the Otter Realm is doing well, it's real praise.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

#assessment quagmire on my campus.

#assessment quagmire on my campus. Slide show in our Academic Senate meeting today. Several personal friends are working on this and I wish them luck, while hoping their work doesn't drive us batty at the grassroots teaching end.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

But the risk for publishers is that if library funding struggles continue, forcing deep cutbacks on subscriptions,...

Originally shared by George Station

But the risk for publishers is that if library funding struggles continue, forcing deep cutbacks on subscriptions, professors will turn to Sci-Hub more, causing a slow erosion of the industry. A recent survey by University of Southern California and California State University librarians of more than 250 academics found that 41 percent “don’t care” about copyright. Thirty percent think “information should be free.”

[emphasis added]

#copyright #journals #academia #research #libraries

Monday, March 28, 2016

Three #UC campuses involved in this #highered experiment.

Three #UC  campuses involved in this #highered  experiment. No #CalState  campuses. Hm. OK, the participants can work the bugs out through courses that won't scare anybody. But when it works, and it's tried with (say) highly transferable, General Education courses, will that be the end of Rico... er, of conventional pathways?

#edreform   #badges   #edtech  

h/t Bryan Alexander 
Cc A. Michael Berman Donna Murdoch Phil Hill Doug Belshaw A. T. Wyatt 

Originally shared by Bryan Alexander

The University Learning Store launches.
What do you think?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Quoting #CSUEU (CSU Employees Union):

Quoting  #CSUEU  (CSU Employees Union):

Whereas, we believe that standing in solidarity is in the best interest of all CSU unions; and

Whereas, because a stable, supported workforce and workplace means quality education for CSU students; and

Whereas, we believe all CSU employees deserve a living wage, including struggling adjuncts/lecturers;

Therefore, be it resolved that CSUEU hereby supports CFA in its plans for a systemwide strike on April 13-15 and 18-19. We support CFA as it presses hard to ensure the professional working conditions and reasonable learning conditions that are essential for quality education.

And be it further resolved that, although CSUEU-represented employees cannot engage in a sympathy strike, we share a collective bond with CFA because we are both CSU unions and we must both bargain with the same employer, share the same worksite, and serve the same students. The combined membership of our two unions equals a critical mass of CSU employees.

Therefore, be it finally resolved that we stand together to protect the bargaining process and to support our sisters and brothers in CFA.

[emphasis added]

Cc Vanessa Vaile Liz Stevenson Phil Hill

Friday, March 25, 2016

#precarity #contingent #faculty #adjuncts

#precarity   #contingent   #faculty   #adjuncts  

Originally shared by Vanessa Vaile

never mind Carmen SanDiego, where in the #adjunct/iverse is the #precariousfaculty blog?
…but the hat, red trench coat and high boots are snazzy. As for the blog, w ith 4 posts in January, missed all of February and today being March 25, even I ask if there is one. There's a  tunc et nunquam  feel about it all and with it, temptation to throw c...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

They (in this case "they" = the campus administration, as noted in the article) are not sure how the hires will...

They (in this case "they" = the campus administration, as noted in the article) are not sure how the hires will happen, but something's gotta give.

The #labor  issue beyond the mental health issue is the availability and workload of part-timers.

#highered   #mentalhealth   #counseling

Monday, March 14, 2016

Not "my" questions but those of Hank Reichman, #AAUP First Vice-President, who is a retired Cal State East Bay...

Not "my" questions but those of Hank Reichman, #AAUP  First Vice-President, who is a retired Cal State East Bay prof. Glad to share them with you—they're good ones.

#CalState   #highered   #faculty   #labor   #CFA

Sunday, March 13, 2016

As I was preparing my talk, I knew the thing I needed to make clear was that all the good thoughts and feelings...

As I was preparing my talk, I knew the thing I needed to make clear was that all the good thoughts and feelings about diversity are mostly useless without leadership and institutional willpower.   I also wanted to offer small things that could be done without money and without too much time. Mostly I wanted to make as clear as possible to the faculty of color in attendance that the struggles they might be facing are happening elsewhere.

#diversity   #highered   #tenure   #faculty

#Cal #Berkeley Chancellor troubles

#Cal   #Berkeley  Chancellor troubles

Saturday, March 5, 2016



#UCDavis #edreform #textbooks

Laura Gibbs Phil Hill Liz Stevenson

#scifi #writers

#scifi   #writers  

Originally shared by Offworlders

Sci-Fi Master Samuel R. Delany to speak at UC Santa Cruz on Thursday, March 10, at the Music Center Recital Hall.

A California campus with vision about its vision!

A California campus with vision about its vision!

Laura Gibbs For today's critiquing-language quest: These folks are 3-1/2 hours from my campus but the vibes from this brilliant approach haven't reached us yet... Our current master-plan planning is proceeding apace by allowing e-mail input along with several f2f open forums. Maybe a Google Form out there but I'm not sure... I hope this doesn't seem too ambitious to our small campus decision makers.

#crowdsourcing #UC #gaming

Sunday, February 21, 2016

This article is from late 2014 and it would be good to see an update.

This article is from late 2014 and it would be good to see an update.

Meanwhile, quoting:

You would think that if there is no money to pay for faculty, there would be no money for more administrators, but you would be wrong.

How much does that cost again?

How much does that cost again?

#highered #budgets #California

Well, well. If you're into teacher ed, here's an opportunity. Who wants to be CalStateTEACH Regional Director?

Well, well. If you're into teacher ed, here's an opportunity. Who wants to be CalStateTEACH Regional Director?

Phil Hill A. Michael Berman

#teachered #highered #CalState #CSU

CSU is still figuring out what it might do.

CSU is still figuring out what it might do. In a report issued to the Board of Trustees last month, a task force suggested using inflation as a benchmark for considering annual tuition increases.

Trustees pushed back on the idea, which they said would be unfair to students and make it easier for the Legislature to prioritize other funding. During the public comment period, one speaker mockingly presented Chancellor Timothy White with a “Privatizer of the Year” award.

#collegecosts #highered #tuition

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Friedrichs case is on the surface about K–12 but all #unions can be affected by the decision. Quoting:

The Friedrichs case is on the surface about K–12 but all #unions  can be affected by the decision. Quoting:

In Friedrichs v. California Teachers Assn., many court watchers had expected Scalia to deliver the deciding vote against unions, limiting their ability to collect membership dues and other fees. Without Scalia, a 4-4 split is now the likely outcome. That would maintain the status quo — and amount to a huge win for unions.

#education   #teachers   #faculty   #scotus

Monday, January 4, 2016

It doesn't exactly say #CalState , it says "regional undergraduate universities"—but Tom Carey spent a lot of time...

It doesn't exactly say #CalState , it says "regional undergraduate universities"—but Tom Carey spent a lot of time at the CSU Chancellor's Office and he's at San Diego State now. So there. This post belongs in California HIgher Education.

Bryan Alexander Phil Hill If you don't know Tom, you might check out his Inside Higher Ed articles.